#hot apple cider
andallshallbewell · 8 months
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cpahlow · 7 months
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sohannabarberaesque · 7 months
Postcards from Snagglepuss
Nothing like a bonfire autumnal
It was a dark and slightly damp night at Crazy Claws' retreat for fellow Funtastics in Lake Delton ... and for some reason, Crazy Claws thought it might be worthwhile to set up an autumnal-type bonfire just for the sake of relaxation and maybe swapping the odd story or two over spiced apple cider. (And I mean the real sort of apple cider, not that God-awful Alpine Instant Spiced Cider. Thankfully, by way of some Wisconsin apple orchards.)
And while the night may have been chill, not to mention (as noted earlier) damp-feeling, what better night for an autumnal bonfire could there have been, come to think of it? Decently-seasoned logs and leaves adding their own aromatic distinction to proceedings which our entire party--even the likes of Touché Turtle and Pixie and Dixie couldn't resist the feeling inherent.
Crazy Claws had me and Huckleberry preparing the apple cider in the former's kitchen, making sure the whole was decently warm and richly spiced in its own distinct way ... and just be thankful Crazy Claws keeps a stock of insulated mugs to keep the whole warm in the circumstances, and as this little bonfire gathering demonstrated, such need not be for coffee exclusively. Tea, even....
And what an enthused sort of gathering there must have been, the sort somehow eschewing the ghost stories of the Scooby-Doo sort as would otherwise be endemic to the season in favour of more interesting stuff. Like "shooting the bull" in a rather lighthearted, animated sort of way you might say.
Like, for example, Pixie and Dixie just imagining the scenes of dazed and confused cats somehow attracted to the genetically-modified catnip they planted to give Jinksie a difficult time and maybe get him to stop chasing "them meeces" all that much. Somehow, catnip can't help but get to be an addicting distraction.
And even Dum-Dum, Touché's Boon Compadre, sharing anecdotes of summers with Bristlehound on a houseboat along the Mississippi River as much "chilling out" as seeking out Friday-night fish fry of the small-town tavern sort. The kind with overly generous, all-you-can-eat portions, and just hope the French fries aren't too greasy and indigestible enough to seek out some Tums afterwards. One place in Minnesota which Dum-Dum recalled took something of great pride in hand-cutting their French fries instead of using frozen such. "Somehow," Dum-Dum remarked, "they turned out especially crispy."
Still, though, with Huck and yours truly, much of our discussion was about fantasies of just wearing wetsuits in the early morning shallows of some lake and just meditating between ourselves, as if plans for the winter dive holiday with Peter Potamus' crew of divers were still simmering like a pot of Grace Cock Flavoured Soup Mix (and I assume you've seen the memes associated with the double-entendre that the name implies, notwithstanding a prominent illustration of a chicken on the front of the packet).
"To be candid with you all," Crazy Claws remarked, "curiosity took hold of this cat and he was able to purchase a few packets of this Grace Cock Flavoured Soup online a winter or two ago, attracted by that rather coy meme playing on the suggestive-sounding name. And mind you, the soup, though a little on the spicy side, turned out to be decent. Even when you had Lipton's and Wyler's instant chicken soups to compare against."
Which certainly warmed our cockles on a misty Wisconsin fall evening sitting by the fireside. Cattanooga Cats, eat your heart out.
@warnerbrosentertainment @ultrakeencollectionbreadfan @theweekenddigest @zodiacfan32 @iheartgod175 @archive-archives @thylordshipofbutts @screamingtoosoftly @princessgalaxy505 @themineralyoucrave @thebigdingle @warnerbros-blog1 @xdiver71 @indigo-corvus @jellystone-enjoyer @a-gang-of-silly-bananas @warnerbrosent-blog
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honeycombhank · 7 months
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I usually don’t like or drink whiskey but the other night I had a wild hair and asked my love if we could get something to put in my hot Apple Cider, I felt whiskey would do the job right so here I was with my giraffe mug full of hot apple cider, Two shots of whiskey, three slices of fresh lemon and a few pinches of cinnamon!
It was the autumn spirit in a mug my friends and warmed me right up
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adv3nture5withm3g · 1 year
Some Things im Grateful for in 2023 so far
It’s been an interesting start to the year, I with the course im taking in Coursera has given me a few things to think about, and it inspired the following list.  Things im grateful for in 2023 (so far); My Family Books Music Hot Apple Cider Painting Cozy days in Writing  The Quiet of a morning when no one else is awake in the household Morning Walks to Work Afternoon Walks  Time at…
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Hot apple cider at Christmas at the in-laws yesterday. It was hot and delicious! The fresh apples helped bring out the apple-y goodness. The oranges were nice too, even though they are not apples.
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vavandeveresfan · 2 years
Today is going to have a heat index of 104F.
  So I'm dreaming of this:
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Copy Cat Starbucks Apple Cider
1 cup water
1 bag of mulled spice
whipped cream
For the Cinnamon Syrup:
1/2 cup white sugar
1/2 cup brown sugar
1 cup water
1 Tbsp cinnamon
Heat water for 2 minutes. Steep spices for 1-2 minutes.
Add 4 Tbsp of cinnamon syrup.
Top with whipped cream and caramel.
For Cinnamon Syrup:
Bring water and sugars to a boil and stir in cinnamon.
Keep syrup in fridge for up to one month.
Pro Tips:
You can easily make this recipe for a party or a large group as well. In a crockpot add 12 cups of your favorite apple cider and heat on low for 2 hours. Make your cinnamon syrup as directed and add the entire batch into the crock pot and whisk to combine. Garnish with whipped cream and caramel.
Use your favorite store bough caramel sauce (I like Torani or Ghiradeli) or you can make your own using this recipe.
Store leftovers in the fridge for up to ten days. The cinnamon syrup will keep in the fridge for up to a month in an airtight container.
You can substitute water and a mulled spice bag for fresh apple juice if desired.
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Embracing the Cold: A Love-Hate Relationship with Winter Weather
How do you feel about cold weather? As someone who enjoys the chill in the air, I find cold weather to be a refreshing break from the usual heat. However, my appreciation for the cold comes with a significant caveat: I don’t enjoy it for prolonged periods. There’s a delicate balance that makes cold weather enjoyable, and when it tips too far, the charm quickly fades. The Perfect Cold Day My…
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paulpingminho · 1 month
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cgclarkphoto · 6 months
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Walk up on a coffee break - Homes in lights
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zuhatagcider · 6 months
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Fűszeres almalé palackozva 2023.12.14
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robinette-green · 7 months
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Having myself some
‘As the kids say:’
Girl dinner ❤️
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I spent much time trying to put together a thing about apples, but it was a mess so i decided fuck it!!!!Lets talk about apple cider.
I like to make it using different types of apples- but you can make it with just one kind as well.
I use 9 apples in a batch- usually a mixture of honeycrisp, envy, and granny smith
1/4 a navel orange
2 cinnamon sticks
Nutmeg, clove, and allspice to taste<- these are all fairly strong flavors so i would start kinda small, i tend to wing it.
If you are able- try to use whole spices as much as you can. Ground spices work in a pinch but in my experience theyre kinda rough on the throat, even after straining it, so just be ready for that.
Cut and core the apples. If youre like me and dont have an apple corer, you can cut them into quarters, and then diagonally to easily get the core and seeds out. And then just cut them a couple more times (i usually cut them into thirds and that works)
Toast the spices a lil on low heat if u wanna, u can skip this step though
Toss everything in a stockpot, add enough water to cover everything, bring to a boil, and *immediately* lower the heat. Past this point, you wanna keep it between 175f (79c) and 185f (85c). If you dont have a kitchen thermometer, no big! Just try to keep it below a simmer. You can take it off the heat for a small time if you see bubbles. You wanna keep it from getting too hot because the skin on the apples will release a chemical that will make it bitter.
After 4-6 hours,strain it. If you want to sweeten it, try using brown sugar! Its really good in hot apple cider idk.
Anyway thanks for coming to my ted talk I really like making time consuming stuff and cider is uhhhh one of those lmao
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sohannabarberaesque · 2 years
Hot apple cider with stick cinnamon: What could be more autumnal?
Even when you have many of your favourite Hanna-Barbera Funtastics going for this bit of fall tradition, aside from Hallowe'en, for the sheer sake of tradition.
Just imagine, giving the bottle of cider a good shake (to release the sediment on the bottom and mix it into same) before putting same into a decent little kettle and heating such up, then putting the decoction into mugs with cinnamon sticks added and just savoring the whole.
Especially when there's typically autumnal donuts like apple cider and spice in the bargain ... and the day itself is rather crisp, perhaps bright as well though cloudiness could come into the picture for atmosphere.
So what could be more autumnal within The Funtastic World of Hanna-Barbera?
@warnerbrosentertainment @screamingtoosoftly @themineralyoucrave @tallcharlie @nighttimehound @theweekenddigest @archive-archives @jellystone-enjoyer @thebigdingle @thylordshipofbutts @wevelocityteampresents-blog @princessgalaxy505 @warnerbros-blog1
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btw the little mushroom patches on witch Fenton’s clothes are done by Gyro :3
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morethansalad · 1 year
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Vegan Carrot Dogs
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